BYOD trend continues in 2013


Many technologies and trends come and go and so many fail to measure up to the hype but it appears BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) isn’t one of them. BYOD is changing the way employees work and it’s increasingly something IT departments need to factor into their planning.

Ahead of the Interop Las Vegas conference in a few months time, InformationWeek takes a look at the BYOD trends that are likely to be at the forefront of this year’s conference.

BYOD isn’t just a fad. Over half of employees were using personal devices for their work last year and employers cite job satisfaction and recruiting as reasons for allowing this.

Data security is still a concern. Mobile management products are appearing on the market to help IT departments concerned about data loss manage their corporate data. The general view is that data should be secured before it is accessed on a mobile device. Companies who allow this type of access need to be aware of their regulatory obligations.

BYOD is a recruiting tool. A Gartner analyst said university graduates are increasingly reviewing a company’s BYOD polices before deciding whether to accept a job offer. Younger employees in particular prefer to use their own technology for work rather than the more traditional enterprise technology.

Apple still remains the BYOD leader. iPad is the device of choice and Apple is still the most popular mobile platform for enterprise.

About SusannaSharpe

Social Media Manager for SilverDane Corporation